what's new
4/19/16 P.I. BLUES INVITED TO FORT MYERS BEACH FILM FESTIVAL 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY FOR ENCORE SHOWING. Director Jim Dudek and Associate Producer Patricia Dudek are attending the event by special invitation from the festival's Executive Producer Janeen Paulauskis. The FMB Film Festival takes place April 20-24, 2016.
9/30/15 JIM DUDEK PRODUCES NEW MOVIES FOR THE MICHIGAN CELEBRITY HALL OF FAME The Fifth Annual "A Star Is Born" gala event was held on May 1, 2015 at the Emagine Theatre in Royal Oak to benefit Variety, The Children's Charity. This year's inductees were The Voices Of Detroit, Monica Gayle and Huel Perkins, current Detroit Fox TV News Anchors; Mary Kramer, Crain's Detroit Publisher; and Paul W. Smith, Radio Legend. Jim Dudek produced 9 event related movies: Four exclusively for the gala attendees, Four for the visitors to the Michigan Celebrity Hall Fame located inside the Emagine Royal Oak and one for everyone to watch on the Internet. Click Here To View 2015 Event Movie.
9/30/14 JIM DUDEK PRODUCES BROADWAY LEGEND ELAINE STRITCH MOVIE FOR MICHIGAN CELEBRITY HALL OF FAME At the Fourth Annual "A STAR IS BORN" red carpet gala on May 2, 2014 A Broadway Legend Elaine Stritch was inducted into the Michigan Celebrity Hall Of Fame. This glamorous formal event benefits Variety, the Children's Charity, who's mission is to improve and enhance the lives of children in Metro Detroit. Variety hosts their signature annual event at one of the most unique and best entertainment complexes in the world, the Emagine Theatre and Star Lanes in Royal Oak, Michigan. Jim Dudek produced 3 HD event related movies: One exclusively for the gala attendees, one for the visitors to the Michigan Celebrity Hall Fame located inside the Emagine Royal Oak and one for everyone to watch on the Internet. Click Here to view "Elaine Stritch, Michigan Celebrity Hall Of Fame 2014"
7/1/13 JIM DUDEK PRODUCES ABC NEWS ANCHOR BOB WOODRUFF'S INDUCTION MOVIE FOR MICHIGAN CELEBRITY HALL OF FAME At the Third Annual "A STAR IS BORN" red carpet gala on April 26, 2013 ABC News Anchor Bob Woodruff was inducted into the Michigan Celebrity Hall Of Fame. This glamorous formal event benefits Variety, the Children's Charity, who's mission is to improve and enhance the lives of children in Metro Detroit. Variety hosts their signature annual event at one of the most unique and best entertainment complexes in the world, the Emagine Theatre and Star Lanes in Royal Oak, Michigan. Jim Dudek produced 3 HD event related movies: One exclusively for the gala attendees, one for the visitors to the Michigan Celebrity Hall Fame located inside the Emagine Royal Oak and one for everyone to watch on the Internet. Click
here to view the "Bob Woodruff, Michigan Celebrity Hall Of Fame"
6/20/13 JOHN DeMERELL STARS IN THE LIVE MUSICAL "NEXT TO NORMAL" The star of P.I. Blues, John DeMerell is now starring in the musical "Next To Normal" playing at the Two Muses Theatre, located in West Bloomfield Hills, MI. Now through June 30, 2013. "Manages to hit a lot of the right notes...works surprisingly well." *** stars out of 4, John Monaghan, Detroit Free Press For More Information, Show Times, etc. visit: Two Muses Theatre
10/7/12 JOHN DeMERELL STARS AS "THE VOICE" OF THE MICHIGAN CELEBRITY HALL OF FAME The Michigan Celebrity Hall of Fame which benefits Variety The Children's Charity is located inside the Emagine Theatre in the city of Royal Oak. Inductees are chosen for their charitable works. A large touch screen plays short movies about the celebrities life and charitable works. Movie producer Jim Dudek has chosen John DeMerell to be "The Voice" who tells their stories. Inductees include Bob Allison (50 years on radio and TV), Mitch Albom (Sports writer and best selling author), Jeffrey Zaslow (columnist and best selling author), Diana Lewis (TV News Anchor).
6/15/12 JOHN DeMERELL STARS IN PLAY "SYLVIA" The star of P.I. Blues, John DeMerell, now starring in the play "Sylvia" at the Two Muses Theatre in West Bloomfield MI now thru July 1, 2012. - "Howlingly Funny!" Backstage Magazine - "‘Sylvia’ Is A Doggone Good Time....a howlin' success." EncoreMichigan.com For More Information on the Play, reviews, showtimes etc. visit: Two Muses Theatre
3/7/12 JIM DUDEK PRODUCES SHORT MOVIE FOR EMAGINE THEATRES Now Playing at all of the Emagine Theatres and in all auditoriums a new short movie that asks moviegoers to refrain from talking and texting during the films. The movie stars Paul Glantz Founder and CEO of Emagine Entertainment Inc. Dudek produced the film and created the Digital Cinema Digital Master (DCDM) for the XYZ color space used by theatre digital players and projectors all over the world. "The files are huge and the colors must be calibrated to play correctly in this massive color space," said Dudek. It's the last thing you see before the feature films start. Check it out and please silence your cell phone.
5/17/11 Jim Dudek makes HD movies of the 4 Opening Events for the Emagine Theatre and Star Lanes in Royal Oak, Michigan, May 13-16, 2011. See 'em all now, "A Star Is Born", "A Night To Emagine", "Emagine For Youth", "Official Opening Ceremony".
Oak, MI – The results are back from the autopsy of "Martin The
Giant Tortoise". Movie, TV, and live attraction star Martin, was found dead on Feb.17, 2011 inside exotic pet store Tropical
Fish Pond by store owner Pat Malone. Martin,
the store’s mascot, was merely 20 years old, very young for a tortoise that can live to
be over 200. “We’re all just
devastated, employees and customers alike, by Martin’s passing,” There’s a Martin Shrine in the store with his picture and condolence cards from fans. People are asked to bring pictures of themselves or their kids with Martin for the Memorial display. Tropical Fish Pond is located at 32308 Woodward Avenue, three blocks south of 14 Mile Road in Royal Oak, Michigan. Pat Malone stated “I clearly expected Martin to outlive me since tortoises live so long, I thought it was highly unusual for him to die when he did. So I sent his body to a Veterinarian for an autopsy. The results confirmed that a sharp object, most likely a piece of metal, had lacerated his bowel. Whatever cut him had already passed and no one is exactly sure what did it. It’s highly suspicious since Martin would only eat fresh fruit and vegetables. No one wants to think some sick individual did this, but rather a small child may have fed him something wrong by accident.” Martin has roamed freely around the store since 1994. He weighed over 130 lbs at his passing. “Martin was friendly, gentle and sweet. A real attraction,” said Pat, “Parents brought kids to see him and then those kids brought their kids.” Tropical Fish Pond is like an exotic zoo and aquarium with no admission charge. But, what’s really neat is that you can actually purchase any of the snakes, lizards, turtles, furry critters or fish on display and take them home with you. Tropical Fish Pond served as a major location in the romantic comedy adventure film "P.I. BLUES" featuring Martin the Giant Tortoise. The movie’s director Jim Dudek also had Martin and Pat Malone as regular guests on his Monday thru Friday Detroit broadcast TV program “The Star Movie Show” during its run in the 1990’s. “Whenever I visited the store, I felt Martin knew me. He made everyone feel that way. Like you were his long lost friend,” said Dudek. Martin also starred in a featurette included on the “P.I. BLUES” DVD. Click here to view the "Martin The Giant Tortoise Memorial" movie. Click here to Purchase the "P.I. BLUES" DVD.
12/25/10 EMAGINE THEATRE ROCHESTER HILLS GRAND OPENING EVENT CAPTURED BY JIM DUDEK Producer Jim Dudek captured in HD the Emagine Theatre Rochester Hills Grand Opening event on Tuesday, Dec. 21, 2010. The Emagine Rochester Hills features 10 state-of-the-art auditoriums, all digital projection and sound for a perfect picture every time, all stadium seating, luxury seating available in every auditorium, cocktails, oven fresh specialty pizza, "poppin' olive" popcorn made extra virgin olive oil and kosher salt and more. The Emagine Rochester Hills joins the Emagine Novi, Emagine Canton, Emagine Woodhaven and Cinema Hollywood as the state of Michigan's best movie theatres. Watch for the opening of the Emagine Theatre Royal Oak in 2011. Click here to watch the video. 11/25/10 JIM DUDEK PRODUCES MOVIE MAGIC FOR EMAGINE THEATRES. "THE EMAGINEER" RUNS 1000 TIMES A DAY This summer Jim Dudek produced "The Emagineer" film for Michigan's Emagine Theatre chain. This short movie is the last thing you see before every feature film presentation. The special effects laden movie features a super hero magician called the Emagineer. He flies into the theater and asks theater goers to turn off all electronic devices. Those who don't, find their phones or themselves magically disappeared. You have to go to one of the Emagine Theatres to see this film.
7/15/10 TWO FEATURED COMICS ON JIM DUDEK'S DETROIT COMEDY MOVIE DVD CHOSEN SEMI FINALISTS ON NBC'S "LAST COMIC STANDING" Alycia Cooper and Ryan Hamilton both made into the semi finals and were among top 20 comedians on NBC's "Last Comics Standing". See their performances captured at the 2009 Detroit International Comedy Festival on Jim Dudek's Detroit Comedy Movie. The DVD is available now at www.ArkDistribution.com
International Comedy Festival” MOVIE DVD goes Michigan and Green The Michigan/Green DVD for the Jim Dudek Film
“Detroit International Comedy Festival” is now available. The Michigan made DVD uses the latest green technology and
innovations. The DVD is assembled
by Michigan labor and uses the latest copy protection to insure Michigan jobs
won’t be lost to piracy. The
labels on the DVD are printed using the new green laser technology that leaves
no ink refuse for landfills. The
DVDs are enclosed in easy open, reusable and recyclable plastic bags.
No more struggling with a knife to open the package.
The spine seals use less glue and can also be removed by hand. The movie captured what the 2nd annual 2009 comedy festival was all about, not only for the audience, but also for the comedians. You’ll see the best of 44 comics from the US, Canada and England onstage, backstage, offstage. The film will get you laughing and fired up for the 3rd Annual 2010 Detroit International Comedy Festival “Laugh Detroit” which stars Lewis Black and runs March 21-27. The DVD is available now at special pre-fest price of $9.95 including shipping at www.ArkDistribution.com
12/3/09 FREE TIX FOR P.I. BLUES CAST, CREW AND FRIENDS "P.I. Blues" Cast, Crew and their Friends are invited to see the World Premiere of Jim Dudek's new film "Detroit International Comedy Festival" for free. You and up to 3 guests may attend free and join us for the After Party. Tickets are limited and are 1st come, 1st serve. So email us as soon as possible at info@piblues.com For more information and to view the Movie Teaser go to: Ark Distribution / Coming Attractions 10/8/09 DETROIT INTERNATIONAL COMEDY FESTIVAL 2009 FILM COMING SOON The six camera shoot was filmed in March 2009 over six days at Mark Ridley's Comedy Castle. The movie captures the comedy event with a documentary/performance style. Director/Producer Jim Dudek says, "I wanted to give the movie viewers a sense of what the whole festival was like for the audience and the comics." Rusty Wright did the music. Dan Dobrzeniecki served as Director of Photography. The Executive Producers were Dave Moroz of Aspen Talent, Kevin Wheeler producer/manager at the Comedy Castle, and Mark Ridley owner of the Comedy Castle in Royal Oak. Over 42 comics make an appearance in the 76 minute film. The World Premiere will be at the Emagine Theatre in Novi. The screening dates will be announced soon.
7/29/09 RUSTY WRIGHT BAND TOURS PACIFIC Here's the latest release from the band: It's OFFICIAL! The Rusty Wright Band will be
doing a 14-day tour of the Pacific beginning Sept. 1, 2009! We were
accepted by Armed Forces Entertainment as a touring act to perform for US troops
and their families stationed overseas and it looks like our first tour is
scheduled for a 6 show run in various cities in South Korea including a Blues
Festival held at Osan Airbase. Then, we head to Tokyo, Japan for 3 more shows
ending with another outdoor festival at Camp Fuji for the Marines at Okinawa! Let us know
if you have any Friends or family in the service stationed in these areas. We are
absolutely honored to have been accepted especially since you have to go through
a pretty rigorous screening process. It looks like we made the grade and now we
are on our way! AFE is a
volunteer organization and the band will receive a small stipend and the travel
expenses but we need your support at upcoming events to help us raise money to
pay the bills at home while we are on tour so please buy a ticket or a CD and
come show your support for what we are doing. You can keep
up with our adventures through the Band Blog at our website. We will be taking
lots of pics and maybe video if they allow it. This is going to be one of the
greatest events of our musical life and we are all excited to play for the
troops and travel to the other side of the world. God Bless our
efforts to bring a little musical love from home to the people who serve. Rusty, Laurie, Dave, Pete & Andy www.rustywrightband.com 6/19/09 EMAGINE THEATRE OPENS IN WOODHAVEN TONIGHT The Emagine Theatre Woodhaven opens Friday June 19, 2009. The new theatre is state of art with stadium seating in 10 auditoriums, 3 equipped for 3D. This video was shot Thursday June 18 at the preview party to benefit the Oakwood Foundation for Breast Cancer treatment, www.oakwood.org/foundation. For more information on the new Emagine Theatre Woodhaven go to www.emagine-entertainment.com Jim Dudek produced the video, "Emagine Theatre Woodhaven Opens" 6/8/09 JIM DUDEK PRODUCES "TRACES" WWII MUSEUM VIDEO, "WWII POWS HELD IN THE HEARTLAND, USA" Traces WWII Museum, 2009 Buseum Tour “Held in the Heartland”, stopped in Hartland Michigan, Memorial Day 2009. During WWII between 1943-46 the Midwest, USA was home to approx. 250 prisoner of war camps. Tens of thousands of the 380,000 German POWs imprisoned across the U.S. during WWII were held in the Heartland. The Buseum with bus tour guide, Irving Kellman, tells the story of these prisoners of war which embody ageless and timely themes of war and peace, justice during times of war, human rights, international reconciliation, potential lessons for avoiding future conflicts and the big benefits to America from treating foreign POWs as you would want your own soldiers treated. "Hopefully the video will help get the message out," says Dudek, "Sometimes, we need to be reminded how to behave." To view the video, click on the link: Traces Museum "WWII POWs Held in Heartland USA" For more information, visit the non-profit WWII educational organization "Traces" at: www.Traces.org 6/3/09 SMINTY AT YOURNEWS.COM John Smyntek has returned. After 37 years writing for the Detroit Free Press newspaper John took a break but he's now back on the web with written entertainment news and video. John played a hotel manager in the feature film, P.I. Blues. You can find his new column Sminty's "Snark Central" at the web site www.yournews.com Click on the link above. Then click on the link "Entertainment" on your left, then click on Sminty's "Snark Central" also on your left. You're there...Enjoy. 4/23/09 JIM DUDEK PRODUCES 6 CAMERA SHOOT OF DETROIT INTERNATIONAL COMEDY FESTIVAL Mark Ridley's Comedy Castle in Royal Oak, Michigan was the location for the Detroit International Comedy Festival on March 16-21, 2009. Over 40 stand-up comedians from around the world participated in the 2nd annual event. Jim Dudek captured it all over the six nights with multi-cameras for DVD releases. "The hardest part of the shoot was keeping the cameras steady. You'll be seeing great new acts that will have laughing uncontrollably." Volume 1 is expected to be released early this summer. 2/11/09 MORRIS SULLIVAN IN "GIFTED HANDS" Morris, who delivered one of the funniest lines in P.I. Blues, portrays a doctor on Cuba Gooding's surgery team in the movie "Gifted Hands" airing now on TNT. 1/14/09 NEW P.I. BLUES VIDEO In the new video the stars of the movie, John DeMerell and Delores Reyes, actually sing the theme song. Both are accomplished singers and do a great job. Jim Dudek originally wrote the song for the ending credits of the movie. Now the song comes with footage from the film. Rusty Wright did the arranging, performing, recording and mixing. VIEW NOW. 1/05/09 NEWS FROM RUSTY WRIGHT BAND Well it's 2009 and we're starting off with a new face. Check out the totally revamped Rusty Wright Band website at www.rustywrightband.com There's all kinds of new stuff including streaming video from our DVD shoot last september. There's also sound clips of the new CD "Playin' with Fire" so check it out and enjoy! NEW CD RELEASE It's finally done! The long anticipated CD "Playin' with Fire" is off to the pressing plant and will be shipping in mid January. You can order now through our website and you will get a link to download 256k mp3's and the Artwork in a zip file so you can listen to the disc right away while waiting for your hard copy. Order yours HERE! CABIN FEVER MUSICFEST Remember Friday, Jan. 30th, 2009 is the Cabin Fever Musicfest at the Davison Country Club. $10 in advance $13 at the door. We'll be playing with National Chicago Bluesman Nick Moss & the Fliptops. This will also be our CD release party and we'll be performing many cuts from the disc as well as RWB crowd pleasers. A portion of the proceeds will go to help the Adopt-a-Pet Inc. These folks do a fantastic job of caring for abandoned or unwanted pets and since they have a NO-KILL policy they are Rusty & Lauries favorite charity not to mention they're just plain good folks! Please come on out and support this event. There will be a cash bar and 50/50 raffles as well as the finest live blues based entertainment available. For more info or to order advance tickets on our website click HERE We're off with a bang in 2009. Come on along and enjoy the ride! Rusty, Laurie, Dave, Andy, Pete & Eddie 12/24/08 DEMERELL AT JET The star of P.I. Blues, John
DeMerell, is now appearing at the Jewish Ensemble Theatre in the play "Two
By Two", a
musical to make your Rabbi chuckle! This is a musical comedy you won’t want to
miss! You’ve never seen the tale of Noah’s 10/23/08
John Smyntek who played the crusty hotel manager in the movie "P.I. Blues" where he got to shout the immortal newspaper cliche, "Boy! Boy!", took the buyout option from the Detroit Free Press daily newspaper. John walks away tomorrow after working there for over 37 years. His last column appears Sunday, Oct. 26.
"Sminty" was in charge of several areas including the TV Book, Syndicates (comics & more), Names & Faces, Radio, TV, and contests. His daily celebrity column "Names & Faces" was one of the most widely read portions of the Free Press. "Smintonians", as he called them, were able to read up on all the national and local gossip plus have a chance to win movie passes to advance screening of some of Hollywood's best films.
John, last of the "old school" Detroit newspaper columnists, will be sorely missed by Detroit readers and newsmakers. We all extend our best wishes for his new future. Remember, "Change is good"!
9/8/08 JIM DUDEK USES 4 CAMERAS TO CAPTURE LIVE "RUSTY WRIGHT BLUES BAND" CONCERT FOR DVD RELEASE. From Rusty Wright, P.I. Blues Music Composer: The Rusty Wright Band invites YOU and your family and friends to attend this concert. We'll be doing a 4 camera video shoot of this show for an upcoming live concert DVD and we want you to be a part of it. Please come help us fill the venue for this rare occassion. This is a free concert but space is limited to 300 people. All ages are welcome and there will be food and beverages available. Also a coffee cafe is connected to the hall which will be open before the show, during intermission and afterwards. Rusty, Laurie and the guys will be available for autographs, pics and just general sayin "Hey". Please tell your friends and check out the audio sample from the new CD "Playin with Fire". (The player will appear at the end of the flash ad for the concert) After you hear this you'll know where the CD's name comes from! Come see us and enjoy some great music! MAP LINK to VENUE 8/12/08 JASON DUDEK'S NEW FEATURE FILM "LEGACY" HIT THE STREETS TODAY! Today, The Weinstein Company released Jason Dudek's new feature film "Legacy", starring Haylie Duff, Tom Green and more. It's now available on DVD at Blockbuster and video stores across the USA. You can see Jason in the movie, in the featurette, and hear him on the audio commentary. The Weinstein Company did a great job with the box cover art and authoring the DVD. A Big Thanks to Bob and Harvey for a job well done. 4/4/08 Ali Dudek hosts A 1st 3d hd event Ali Dudek hosted the first live 3D hi-def broadcast via satellite in the U.S. The NBA Dallas Mavericks' March 25 home game against the Los Angeles Clippers was produced in 3D HD and delivered via satellite to the Magnolia Theater in Dallas. The Mavericks, HDNet, and the Magnolia Theater are owned by entrepreneur Mark Cuban. Ali spoke directly from center court to several hundred VIPs and invited fans watching with 3D glasses at the theatre. She was able to watch some of the 3D broadcast in the production truck and said "It was unbelievably awesome. It felt just like you were live in the arena. This is the future of sports!" 3/20/08 JASON DUDEK SELLS DISTRIBUTION RIGHTS TO HIS NEW MOVIE "LEGACY" The Weinstein Company acquired USA distribution rights for Jason's new feature film "Legacy" starring Haylie Duff, Tom Green and more. No street date in the US is available yet. "Legacy" is being distributed worldwide by American World Pictures under the title "Pretty Little Devils" and opened last week in Japan. The movie is a dark comedy murder mystery at a college sorority house, written, produced and directed by Jason Dudek. ALI DUDEK STARS AS THE ARENA HOST FOR THE NBA DALLAS MAVERICKS Ali Dudek is known as Ali D at Mark Cuban's American Airlines Arena in downtown Dallas. She started this season and hosts the Mav's pre-game show and the game. Ali does the pre-game show from a stage setup in front of the arena and appears during the games at center court and throughout the arena all broadcast live on the arena's huge Jumbotron HD TV. LET'S Give it up for Aliiii Deeee.... visit her website: www.alidudek.com 8/15/07 PIANOWORKS NOMINATED FOR BEST MUSICAL INSTRUMENT STORE IN MICHIGAN Pianoworks, one of the principle locations of the movie P.I. Blues, has been nominated by NBC TV Channel 4 in Detroit in the category of Best Musical Instrument Store. Grant Wolach who played Archie the piano store owner in the movie is in fact the real owner/operator of the Pianoworks. Please vote for Pianoworks NOW and tell your friends to vote too. 5/1/07 LOOKS
“Andy Barker, P.I.” STEALS “P.I. Blues” PLOT but fails to CAPTURE Humor. Once again it looks like TV has stolen a great idea from a movie and failed at the translation to the small screen. Andy Richter was just not funny as an idiot accountant turned private eye. John DeMerell however, as an exotic pet manager masquerading as a real private eye, is hysterical in the original movie, P.I. Blues. The characters in the NBC version were combined shortened unfunny versions of Jim Dudek’s quirky, interesting, humorously outrageous supporting cast. We hope the unfunny recipe of Andy Barker, P.I. doesn’t ruin your appetite for the real thing P.I. Blues. The NBC TV show version garnered much attention from the great idea of “Nerdy wanna-be masquerades as real P.I.” but not from the episodes airing. Audiences plummeted from the NBC TV show. What is funny and different
about P.I. Blues? It’s the story
and the characters. It’s about an
interesting exotic pet store manager Lenny Fritz pretending to be a real private
investigator. He tries to help the
beauty queen Miss Power Tool find her missing computer geek brother kidnapped by
some now capitalistic rogue Russian spies.
They’re after the secret bank codes that allow you to mark credit card
accounts paid. Lenny gets help from
some oddballs friends like; Norm, a bullet proof vest wearing mailman; Archie, a
gay Uzi wielding piano store owner; Bud Fudd, a mattress storeowner, big game
hunter, gun freak survivalist and; Mattie, a retired female British spy who runs a
spy supply store in the US called the Spy Shack. The only real interesting thing about Andy Barker P.I. is comparing a high budget NBC TV failure to a budget managed movie success P.I. Blues? Money just can't buy funny. See the real movie for yourself. “A lot of fun…pretty clever” --Detroit Free Press. Buy the P.I. Blues DVD ($9.95) at www.ArkDistribution.com 3/16/07 Andy Richter, Conan O’Brien, NBC steal “P.I. Blues” movie plot for TV show? Most everyone agrees the Andy Barker P.I. pilot TV show was a total rip-off of the Michigan made indie film P.I. Blues. The plot of mistaken identity leads nebbish guy to masquerade as a P.I. is the same. The characters are basically the same, storeowner helpers and Russian bad guys. The beginning is the same and so is the ending where he partners with the real private investigator. In 2003, P.I. Blues played film festivals and theatres then started a run in Detroit area theatre that lasted 2 years before it was released on DVD in the fall of 2006. Andy Richter is from Michigan and the DVD was offered for sale at the VSDA convention in Las Vegas in early July of 2006. Thousands of storeowners, distributors and producers visited the display. You decide if it was stolen. See the real movie for yourself. “A lot of fun…pretty clever” --Detroit Free Press. Buy DVD ($9.95) at www.ArkDistribution.com 3/15/07 IS NBC TV'S "ANDY BARKER P.I." A BLATANT RIP-OFF OF JIM DUDEK'S "P.I. BLUES"? "Beware the ides of March" -W. Shakespeare ...See more here later! Send your comments to: info@piblues.com 3/10/07 ALI DUDEK HOSTS FOX SPORTS NET'S "HOTTIES OF THE HARDWOOD" Click on this link to go to Ali's Reel Page: http://www.alidudek.com/page5.html Then click on the "Hotties" link. 2/18/07 JASON DUDEK PRODUCES FIRST CALIFORNIA SANCTIONED WOMEN'S MMA (MIXED MARTIAL ARTS) CAGE FIGHTING EVENT LAST NIGHT AT THE JAPAN AMERICAN THEATER IN LOS ANGELES cbs fatal femmes fighting story The next World Championship fight is scheduled for May 17th, venue TBA. Check the Fatal Femmes Fighting (FFF) web site for more info: http://www.fatalfemmesfighting.com/ 1/26/07 MADE-IN-METRO DETROIT FEATURE FILM, “P.I. BLUES”, TO BENEFIT CHARITY AT THE 2007 FERNDALE BLUES FESTIVAL JAN. 26 – FEB. 3 The DVD of the movie “P.I. BLUES” will be available at the Ferndale Blues Festival starting today through Feb. 3. 100% of the $10 donation for the DVD goes to benefit the festival charities, Ferndale Youth Assistance and Midwest Aides Prevention Project (MAPP). The movie DVD is available at most festival venues, by phone at 248-545-1435 or at Pianoworks, a featured movie location. Rusty Wright Blues, the Detroit winner of the 2007 International Blues Challenge, did the music score for “P.I. Blues”. The band is headed to Memphis Feb.1-3 to compete against 95 other regional band winners from 8 countries. Craig Covey, Ferndale Blues Festival organizer and Ferndale city councilman says, “We’re all rootin’ for Rusty. Just finishing in the top 10 in Memphis will shine a light on all the blues bands and the blues scene here in the Detroit area.” The entire movie was shot on location in Metro Detroit using an all Michigan cast and crew. “P.I. Blues is a nice local tie-in to the community and blues music,” says Craig, “Several scenes were shot in Ferndale.” For a Ferndale Blues Festival concert schedule, map and more information visit the website: www.ferndalebluesfestival.org CLICK HERE To View the "P.I. Blues" Trailer CLICK HERE To Order Today From ARK DISTRIBUTION (DVD $9.95) AND GET FREE SHIPPING (SAVE $3) 1/19/07 DVD 50% OFF AT TROPICAL FISH POND Click on the link below to get a coupon for 50% OFF the P.I. Blues DVD. Just print it and take it into Tropical Fish Pond by 1/31/07 and get the DVD for $4.97 (Retail price $9.95) Meet Martin the Giant Tortoise from the movie. He roams throughout the store daily. Tropical Fish Pond is like a free zoo and aquarium. You'll see exotic animals and fish from the 4 corners of the world. The store was a major location in the movie. It's on Woodward in Royal Oak, 3 blocks south of 14 Mile on the eastside of the Avenue, 248-549-0020. CLICK HERE To View the "P.I. Blues" Trailer CLICK HERE To Order Today From ARK DISTRIBUTION (DVD $9.95) AND GET FREE SHIPPING (SAVE $3) 11/12/06 "Man Rides Wild Giant Stingray" A scuba diver rides a wild giant stingray off the Florida coast in this vintage 1994 TV ad produced by Miami Entertainment Corp. The ad is included in the P.I. Blues DVD extra, "Tropical Fish Pond Tour". It was uploaded to YouTube and Google Video as part of the DVD promotion. 11/2/06 FIRST BIG SCREEN GRANDE FINALE IN FILM HISTORY A SUPER SUCCESS--P.I. BLUES OUT DRAWS ALL FILMS COMBINED AT THE EMAGINE THEATRE LAST NIGHT--CAST, CREW, FRIENDS AND NEW COMERS LEAVE WITH SMILES AND FREE DVDS "Everyone involved in the making of this film seemed to share a real feeling of accomplishment tonight", said Director Jim Dudek after the screening, "They had moved on to other projects and enjoyed looking back at their work." Most of the audience were first time viewers whose fresh laughter delighted the cast and crew who were in attendance. Everyone received a free DVD copy after the movie and they were able to chat with the actors at the lobby party. The audience lined up to get their DVD copies autographed by actors John DeMerell, Peter M. Brown, Patrick Malone, Alan Madlane, Scott Harkonen and actor/comedian Kevin Wheeler. The afterglow party continued across the aisle at Hooter's as friends and crew members caught up and reminisced. Detroit Free Press columnist and P.I. Blues actor John Smyntek mentioned the Grande Finale Screening in his Names and Faces section on Monday Oct. 30. Here's the link to the article: http://freep.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20061030/ENT07/610300314 The DVD goes on sale at Amazon.com for $9.95 on the official National release date of Tues. Nov. 7. It is available now from Ark Distribution with a special pre-release offer of free shipping. CLICK HERE To View the "P.I. Blues" Trailer at Google Video CLICK HERE To Order Today From ARK DISTRIBUTION (DVD $9.95) AND GET FREE SHIPPING (SAVE $3) 10/25/06 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MADE-IN-METRO DETROIT FEATURE FILM “P.I. BLUES” SET FOR GRANDE FINALE NOV. 1 AT THE EMAGINE NOVI MOVIE TO BE RELEASED ON DVD NOV. 7, 2006 The World Premiere of the Michigan made independent feature film “P.I. BLUES” was February 18, 2003 at the Emagine Theatre in Novi, Michigan. Now, after screenings at film festivals and a two-year theatre run, comes the Big Screen Grande Finale at the same theatre where it all started, Wednesday, November 1st, 8pm. The public is invited. The price of admission includes the DVD. The official “P.I. BLUES” DVD release date is Tuesday, Nov. 7. The entire movie was shot on location in Metro Detroit using an all Michigan cast and crew, many of whom will attend the Grande Finale event. “P.I. BLUES” is a fun-filled comedy adventure written, produced and directed by Berkley resident, JIM DUDEK. The film stars JOHN DEMERELL as an exotic pet store manager who masquerades as a private detective to help the poster pin up beauty, ‘Miss Power Tool’, (DOLORES REYES), find her missing brother. Funny business ensues as the bumbling imposter and his oddball friends try to outwit rogue Russian spies and other strange characters. The “P.I. Blues” DVD is being released by Ark Distribution which also handles Jason Dudek’s (Jim’s son) award winning film on standup comedy, “Open Mic”, with Dave Chappelle, Bobcat, Richard Jeni, Jim Breuer and many more. You can purchase either DVD online at arkdistribution.com. “P.I. Blues has the right attitude…A likable goofy take on Hollywood detective movies of the past...A lot of fun…Pretty clever.” –JOHN MONAGHAN, DETROIT FREE
PRESS “Hysterical…Like an old gumshoe flick but with modern day humor…Festival audiences loved it.” –JANEEN PAULAUSKIS, DIRECTOR, FT. MYERS BEACH FILM FESTIVAL “Fantastic Family Fun…Laughs you off your seat.” –SCOTT MADAUS, KLRT-TV FOX 16 NEWS, LITTLE ROCK Color/Feature/Comedy/USA/101 min./Not rated, contains nothing objectionable. CLICK HERE To View the "P.I. Blues" Trailer at YouTube - Newer Extended Version CLICK HERE To View the "P.I. Blues" Trailer at Google - Higher Resolution CLICK HERE To Order Today From ARK DISTRIBUTION (DVD $9.95) AND GET FREE SHIPPING (SAVE $3)
For More Information Email: info@piblues.com or phone 248-543-9121 10/4/06
This is it. Your last chance to see the movie P.I. Blues on the big screen before the DVD is officially released to stores. The public is invited to meet the Cast and Crew at the Emagine Novi DVD Release Party on Wed. Nov. 1 at 8:00PM, one week before the official DVD street release date of Nov. 7, 2006. Information on how to obtain tickets to the event will be posted here soon. Seating is limited so if you are interested in attending please email us at: info@piblues.com Type "DVD PARTY" in the subject line.
CLICK HERE To View the "P.I. Blues" Trailer at Google - Higher Resolution
The P.I. Blues DVD official release date will be announced soon. Individuals who buy now during the presale will get free shipping (SAVE $3) and be able to see it before everyone else. It ships first class mail the same or next day after the order is received. The DVD usually arrives the next day within Michigan. Members of the cast and crew will receive one free copy each at the DVD release party which will be scheduled shortly. The release party will be the last chance to see it on the big screen. The public will be able to attend and meet the cast and crew. Don't miss the trailer now playing. CLICK HERE To View the "P.I. Blues" Trailer
JUNE 6, 2006
Ali Dudek arrived in Munich, Germany today. The first stop on the month long Budweiser World Cup Cheerleader Tour. The English newspaper THE SUN reports "Budweiser, official beer of the 2006 World Cup, hand-picked the troupe from the best cheerleaders in America to launch the Passport to Germany promotion." Budweiser hired Ali to star, choreograph and manage the Budweiser Beerleaders. The girls will be performing on the pitch (playing field) at Munich Stadium, Nuremberg Stadium, Frankfurt Stadium and at Gelsenkirchen Stadium. After rehearsing and performing for several days in Germany, the girls head to the UK to stir up some excitement. They'll be performing in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Newcastle, Manchester, Birmingham, London, Belfast, Dublin and then head back to Germany for the World Cup Finals in July at Berlin.
The girls have been having the time of their lives. The food is great and the whole trip is just wonderful. They have been performing day and night with some sightseeing in between. So far they love Munich and Frankfurt. Today they traveled to Gelsenkirchen Stadium to perform at the USA vs. Czech Republic game. Tomorrow they travel back to Munich for some more appearances before heading to Nuremberg Stadium on Thursday to perform. The internet connection at their hotel in Frankfurt has been down, so no email until they get back to Munich. Below the Beerleaders perform prior to the opening game in Munich on June 9th between Germany and Costa Rica.
The ladies arrived in Edinburgh, Scotland this morning to begin their UK leg of their World Cup tour. Today they did some sight seeing and tomorrow they travel to Glasgow for a performance at a viewing party during the USA/Italy match. Sunday they head to Newcastle for another appearance during a viewing party of the Brazil/Australia match.
Yesterday they arrived in Manchester. Today they have an appearance at a viewing party during the England/Sweden match. Tomorrow they travel to Birmingham to make an appearance during a viewing party of the Netherlands/Argentina game and on Thursday they have an appearance during the June 22nd Croatia/Australia match. On the 23rd they head to London. The girls are loving every minute of the tour.
Today the girls were in Dublin after performing Sunday in Belfast. We're not sure yet but we think this ends the UK tour. Tomorrow they are supposed to return to the USA for a short rest before they head back to Germany for the finals at Berlin in July.
2/21/06 THE BUDWEISER WORLD CUP CHEERLEADERS CROSS THE POND IN PREPARATION OF THE JUNE WORLD CUP TOUR, ALI DUDEK AND THE GIRLS VISITED LONDON FEB 13-20, 2006 Ali Dudek (center) and the girls were in London last week doing interviews, photo shoots, rehearsing and getting fitted for the Budweiser "Beerleaders" wardrobe. Showing-off their new outfits, left to right are; Chauntal, Asia, Ali, Tricia, Amber. They had a great time and can't wait to go back in June for their World Cup European Tour. Watch a video clip interview about the Budweiser World Cup Cheerleader promotion. See the girls in action along with England's Bell and Spurling, the British humor funny guys that gave the fans the hit football (soccer) chant in 2002 "Sven Sven Sven". Click here to go to: http://www.webchats.co.uk/webchat.php?ID=253 Then click on "watch the video". It's about 8 minutes long with the British chaps first and then the girls. 12/07/05
The feature film "P.I. BLUES" is coming to DVD very soon. The movie ran 102 weeks consecutively at the independent Roseville Theatre starting on Oct. 15th, 2003 and now will be released for the Home Entertainment Market by Ark Distribution. The exact date for the DVD release will be announced soon.
"Open Mic" #1 Top Selling Independently Distributed Comedy at Amazon.com 7/31/05 "Open Mic" #1 Top Selling Independently Distributed Documentary at Amazon.com 7/31/05 3/27/05 Ark Distribution releases "Open mic" on DVD. Suggested retail price $9.95 12/18/03 JIM DUDEK NOW BOOKING INDEPENDENT FILMS AT THE ROSEVILLE THEATRE "P.I. BLUES" producer/writer/director Jim Dudek is now booking independent films into the refurbished 1927 Roseville Theatre on Metro Detroit's east side. Now Showing is "FLESH FOR THE BEAST", Winner of Best Cinematography and Best Special Effects at the 2003 New York City Horror Film Festival. After a 7 week run at the Roseville Theatre, "P.I. BLUES" is now being placed on a reduced weekly screening schedule for the holidays to make room for FLESH. After 10 week run Jason Dudek's "OPEN MIC" is also being placed on a reduced weekly schedule. Jim Dudek will be putting the final touches on his new script this winter which should be in production in the summer/fall 2004. Jason Dudek planned on spending the holidays in Detroit when he arrived back on December 3 from Los Angeles after working on the feature film "FALLACY". After 2 weeks in Detroit, Jason was summoned back to Los Angeles to work on "SLEDGE" as an assistant director. It's a low budget film with George Clooney, Ben Stiller, Brad Pitt, Jackie Chan, Chris Tucker and many more. George Clooney's production company wanted to re-unite the assistant directing team from the film "Thirteen" which won the best direction award at Sundance this year. Jason served as an assistant director on that film. "SLEDGE" is a spoof about a wannabe stuntman who goes to Hollywood to pursue his dream. Jason plans to return to Detroit for awhile after shooting wraps. ROSEVILLE THEATRE -- WHAT'S NEW 11/15/03 "P. I. BLUES" IN 5TH WEEK, "OPEN MIC" IN 8TH WEEK AT ROSEVILLE THEATRE Both films show legs with long runs. Jason Dudek's "Open Mic" won Best Documentary at the Michigan Independent Film Festival in October. Jim Dudek's "P.I. Blues" continues to get the best kind of reviews from audiences, laughter permeating from the auditorium. 10/14/03 GET FREE PASSES TO THE METRO DETROIT EASTSIDE PREMIERE OF "P.I. BLUES" ON OCT. 15 AT 8:15PM Free passes for the eastside premiere of "P.I. BLUES" are available at Tropical Fish Pond while supplies last. The passes are good for two people and are distributed on a "first come, first serve" basis, one to a customer. Tropical Fish Pond is located on the eastside of Woodward Ave. in Royal Oak just south of 14 Mile Road. 10/06/03 "P.I. BLUES" STARTS WED. OCT. 15, 2003 AT THE ROSEVILLE THEATRE The movie the Detroit Free Press calls "A lot of fun...pretty clever..." premieres on Metro Detroit's Eastside October 15th at the Roseville Theatre on Utica Road at Gratiot (between 11 & 12 Mile Rds). "P.I. BLUES" screens Mon., Tue., Wed. at 8:15pm and Sat., Sun. at 4:00pm. "OPEN MIC" show times starting Oct. 15th are Mon., Tue., Wed. at 7:15pm and Sat., Sun. at 3:00pm. Tickets are $5.00 for all shows and are available at the theater box office. For more information call the Roseville Theatre at (586) 445-7810. Visit the theatre web site at: www.rosevilletheatre.com Click on this link for directions to the Roseville Theatre: directions. 9/24/03 "OPEN MIC" NOW SHOWING AT THE ROSEVILLE THEATRE Everyone enjoyed the Michigan Premiere of "Open Mic" at the Roseville Theatre tonight. At the After Party, Jason Dudek was lavished with praise for his documentary on stand-up comedy. "Open Mic" shows Monday through Saturday at 7:00pm and Sundays at 4:00pm. Visit the Open Mic web page. For more information call the Roseville Theatre at (586) 445-7810. Visit the theatre web site at: www.rosevilletheatre.com Click on this link for directions to the Roseville Theatre: directions. 8/29/03 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE "OPEN MIC", A DOCUMENTARY FILM ON STAND-UP COMEDY, OPENS SEPTEMBER 24, 2003 IN THE METRO DETROIT AREA AT THE ROSEVILLE THEATRE DETROIT – The documentary film, Open Mic, takes a behind the scenes look at stand-up comedy. The film features appearances by such notable comics as Dave Chappelle, Bobcat Goldthwait, Shawn Wayans, Richard Jeni, Charles Fleischer, Victoria Jackson, Jackie "The Joke Man" Martling, Dom Irrera, Jeffrey Ross, Jim Breuer and more. They all share their own accounts of the struggle involved in making it to the big time. Open Mic director, Jason Dudek, lives in Los Angeles and is currently staying in Berkley, Michigan with his father, independent filmmaker, Jim Dudek, writer, producer, director of the Michigan made feature film comedy P.I. Blues. "I’m very proud of Jason and his great work on Open Mic. If you’re into stand-up comedy, this is a must-see film." says Jim Dudek. Open Mic screened at the world’s largest and most discriminating comedy festival, Montreal’s Just for Laughs. It also was the only feature film to screen at the Chicago Comedy Festival and it took the top film award at the New Orleans Comedy Festival. Open Mic starts Wednesday, September 24, 2003 in the metro Detroit area at the Roseville Theatre on Utica Road at Gratiot. This sometime disturbing, yet very funny and compelling film screens Mondays-Sundays. Check your newspaper listings for times. Genre: Comedy/Documentary Running Time: 54 minutes English/Color Not Rated: no nudity, no violence, no drug use, some objectionable language
For more information: Contact: Patricia Dobek / Miami Entertainment Corporation (248) 543-9121 patdobek@piblues.com Visit the Web sites: www.piblues.com/openmic.htm www.rosevilletheatre.com 7/24/03 INTERNET MOVIE DATA BASE (IMDb.com) LISTS CAST AND CREW OF "P.I. BLUES" The cast and crew of "P.I. BLUES" has achieved immortality by being listed in the Internet Movie Data Base. If your name has been listed incorrectly, please email info@piblues.com. Visit the official movie website at the link http://www.imdb.com and either search your name or P.I. Blues. 6/23/03 "BIG IDEA" MAGAZINE WRITES UP "P.I. BLUES" "Big Idea" Magazine, your connection to the communication arts, had a nice write up about "P.I. BLUES" in their June issue. The glossy color Detroit monthly magazine gave the film a very positive full page article in the On Location section, page 16. Big Idea also has monthly editions in Chicago and Minneapolis. "Big Idea" is available at Borders, Barnes & Noble and various magazine stores. Visit the web site and read the article on line. http://www.bigideaweb.com/articlearchive.asp Then click on June 2003 Detroit edition/page 16. 6/21/03 INTERNET MOVIE DATA BASE (IMDb.com) LISTS CAST AND CREW OF "P.I. BLUES" The cast and crew of "P.I. BLUES" has achieved immortality by being listed in the Internet Movie Data Base. Some names may take another week to appear. If your name is not listed by July 1, 2003, or has been listed incorrectly, please email info@piblues.com. Only feature films that have been released in theatres or shown at festivals are supposed to be listed, no television shows. Visit their website at the link below and either search your name or P.I. Blues. http://www.imdb.com 5/31/03 THE "P.I. BLUES" WEB SITE ISP, "HOSTSAVE", VICTIM OF "DOS" ATTACK Hostsave.com, the web server for P.I. BLUES, was the victim of a malicious attack that slowed or eliminated email and web site service. The nature of the attack was a DOS, denial of service, which causes thousands of additional hits over and above the server's capacity. The "P.I. BLUES" web site was effected starting on the 17th of May through the 29th of May. Steps were taken by the Hostsave engineering staff which has returned things to normal operation. Several other ISPs were also victims. The FBI was notified and is seeking the source of the attack. 5/9/03 FORT MYERS BEACH ENJOYS "P.I. BLUES" FLORIDA PREMIERE SCREENINGS, EMBRACES FILMMAKERS The town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida rolled out the red carpet and VIP Celebrity treatment for filmmakers and actors attending their annual film festival. Mayor Dan Hughes introduced Jim Dudek, producer/writer/director of "P.I. BLUES" at the opening ceremonies along with associate producer/assistant director Patricia Dobek, star John DeMerell and featured actor Alan Madlane. After the ribbon cutting, the entire town council along with the city manager attended the, standing room only, festival opening screening of "P.I. BLUES". A second screening of "P.I. BLUES" on Sunday at 6:00PM attracted a full house also. All movie goers at both screenings stayed after for the Q&A with the cast and crew. The audiences expressed their appreciation with exuberant ovations at the end of each screening. "Mix your favorite old gumshoe flick with modern day humor and you have P.I. BLUES, an hysterical look at the world through private eyes, where everyone is up to something. Festival audiences in Fort Myers Beach loved it, as did Festival Staff members," said Janeen Paulauskis, Executive Director of the Fort Myers Beach Film Festival. Town Mayor Dan Hughes said, "I enjoyed it very much. Very funny. Fun stuff. Nice work from the cast and crew." "P.I. BLUES is fantastic...laugh your way off the seat storyline...sheer imagination even with the lack of an L.A. budget. Watch out L.A. here comes Detroit...The movie was really great," Scott Madaus, ABC-7 News WZVN-TV, Fort Myers, Florida. Nick Campo, owner and general manager of the Fort Myers Beach Theater and the Marco Island Theater was very impressed with the technical aspect of "P.I. BLUES". "This was the first time I digitally projected a film from a DVD hard drive system," said Nick, "This is really cool." The hard drive enables the film to be projected at twice the resolution of a DVD disc. Nick is co-director of the Marco Island Film Festival. Chris Gore of Film Threat Magazine rated the Marco Island Festival #5 of the top ten film festivals in the U.S.A. Nick screened 137 feature films at this years festival and is not easily impressed. The Fort Myers Beach Film Festival Gala Dinner on Saturday night was sold out. "P.I. BLUES" director Jim Dudek was the first person introduced to the crowd by the emcee, a local FOX TV news anchor. Introductions of the rest of the BLUES crew and cast in attendance followed. Next she introduced the honored guest, actor Tim Curry, who was receiving an award for his film career. "I was shocked to get billing over Tim Curry," said a sarcastic Alan Madlane who name was touted just before Curry's. "The festival was just the right size, not too big or not too small. We got a chance to mingle with the audiences and filmmakers. I was treated like Steven Spielberg. I hated to leave but I knew I had to take out the garbage and cut the grass back home," said director Jim Dudek. "I had the time of my life and I could get used to hanging out on the beach doing business on my cell phone," remarked associate producer Patricia Dobek. Star John DeMerell said, "I was never asked to sign so many autographs before. I hope they weren't planning to use it to clean out my meager bank account." 4/17/03 "P.I. BLUES" OPENS FORT MYERS BEACH FILM FESTIVAL, STAR JOHN DEMERELL TO ATTEND THE EVENT The independent feature film "P.I. BLUES" was not only chosen to screen at the Fort Myers Beach Film Festival, it was selected to kick off the event on Thursday, April 24, 2003 at 3:00pm, immediately after the opening ceremonies. The feature film is also one of a few movies that were chosen to screen twice during the festival. A second screening of "P.I. BLUES" is scheduled for Sunday, April 27, 2003 at 6:00pm. Both screenings take place at the Beach Theater, 6425 Estero Blvd., Fort Myers Beach, Florida. John DeMerell, the star of the movie, is attending both screenings and will be available for a 'meet and greet' after the movie. Also on hand will be featured actor, Alan Madlane, along with associate producer/assistant director, Patricia Dobek and producer/writer/director, Jim Dudek. For more on the festival and the events visit the web site at: www.fmbeach.org 3/28/03 "P.I. BLUES" SELECTED TO SCREEN AT FORT MYERS BEACH FILM FESTIVAL APRIL 24-27 The Fort Myers Beach Film Festival announced today their selection of features, shorts and documentaries for the third annual event put on by the Town of Fort Myers Beach, Florida. The Gulf beach town is located on the southwest coast of Florida adjacent to Sanibel Island. This area is considered one of the most beautiful spots in Florida and the winter home of Thomas Edison, inventor of the first motion picture machine and the first talking motion pictures. The exact day and time of the North American Premiere of "P.I. BLUES" will be announced very soon by the Film Festival executive director Janeen Paulauskis. For more information on the Town and the Fort Myers Beach Film Festival visit the web site at: www.fmbeach.org 2/28/03 "P.I. BLUES" EXPANDING TO NEW MARKETS AFTER SUCCESSFUL OPENING WEEK IN NOVI The movie will be expanding to other venues around Detroit and to other cities around the state. Reviews of movie goers were super positive and word of mouth is spreading rapidly. They love the fun story and characters. The audience members can be heard repeating their favorite dialogue on the way out. They've especially responded well to the visual style of "P.I. BLUES", reminiscent the 1940's. That style is characterized by letting the action unfold through the window of the lens, wrapping you comfortably in the story. They considered this style refreshing compared to the disturbing MTV jerky camera movement of today. "P.I. BLUES" director Jim Dudek said, "I tried to shoot the film so that it was interesting but without you ever noticing the camera. I didn't want to do anything that might knock you out of the story." 2/24/03 WEEKEND OPENING OF "P.I. BLUES" SUCCESSFUL DESPITE SATURDAY'S BIG STORM "P.I. BLUES HAS RIGHT ATTITUDE", is the headline from the Detroit Free Press review by John Monaghan. He went on to say ....a likable goofy take on Hollywood detective movies of the past.....it is a lot of fun.....doesn't take itself seriously......it is pretty clever... Monaghan gave it 2 Stars out of 4. The audiences this weekend gave it much better reviews. Everyone had a fun time and got lots of laughs. 2/19/03 ALL'S WELL AT WORLD PREMIERE The diverse crowd of movie goers had a good time at the World Premiere of P.I. BLUES. They got plenty of laughs and were able to meet and greet the cast and crew at the "After Glow Party" in the lobby of the beautiful Emagine Theatre. The crowd was enthusiastic with their praise of Jim Dudek's first film effort. They thought it was very funny, the acting was very good and they enjoyed seeing the local scenery. The movie was shot in the summer and made them remember how green Michigan can be in July. The film opens this weekend, Friday, February 21, exclusively at the Emagine Theatre in Novi. Show Times are 1:30, 3:30, 6:30, 8:45pm. For directions visit the theatre web site: www.emagine-entertainment.com 1/21/03 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE WORLD PREMIERE OF MICHIGAN'S OWN FEATURE FILM, "P.I. BLUES", FEB.18 The World Premiere of the Michigan made independent feature film "P.I. BLUES" is Tuesday, February 18, 2003, 8PM at the Emagine Theatre in Novi, Michigan. The entire movie was shot on location in Metro Detroit using an all Michigan cast and crew. Passes for the premiere are available to the media by contacting Pat Dobek at (248) 543-9121. One on one interviews with the director and stars can be scheduled. "P.I. BLUES" starts it's theatrical run Friday, February 21, 2003 exclusively at the Emagine Theatre Novi. The buzz coming from the "Cast and Crew Screening" is; "Three Thumbs Up," Andrea Grennan, S.E. Michigan Mensa News, "I laughed my patootie off," Mary Lanphier, Twizted List. "P.I. BLUES" is a fun, romantic comedy adventure written, produced and directed by Berkley, Michigan resident, JIM DUDEK. The film stars JOHN DEMERELL as a bumbling 'wanna be' private eye who masquerades as a real private detective to help the poster pin up beauty, "Miss Power Tool", (DOLORES REYES), find her missing brother. Comedy ensues as they try to outwit Russian gangsters, the police and other strange characters. This film is not rated at this time but contains mild language, light violence and no nudity or drug use. Thank you for your interest and support of Michigan made films. For more information visit the web site: www.piblues.com Contact: Pat Dobek (248) 543-9121 patdobek@piblues.com 1/6/03 WORLD PREMIERE CONFIRMED FOR FEBRUARY 18, 2003. OPENING FEBRUARY 21, 2003. The World Premiere of "P.I. BLUES" is now confirmed for Tuesday, February 18, 2003, 8:00pm at the Emagine Theatre in Novi, Michigan. Tickets are limited for the World Premiere and 'After Glow Party'. Make plans early. Cast and crew please contact Pat Dobek for more information. The opening date for the exclusive theatrical engagement is Friday, February 21, 2003 also at the Emagine Theatre in Novi, MI. Contact: patdobek@piblues.com 12/20/02 THE WORLD PREMIERE OF "P.I. BLUES" IS PLANNED FOR FEBRUARY 18, 2003 Jim Dudek has finished the final cut of "P.I. BLUES" for the World Premiere now planned for Tuesday, February 18, 2003. The event will take place at the 18 screen "hometown, personality charged, one and only" Emagine Theatre in Novi, Michigan. The film is scheduled to start its exclusive theatre run Friday, February 21, 2003 also at the Emagine Theatre in Novi. Dudek says no scenes were cut from the "cast and crew" version seen Nov. 14th, "I just trimmed some of the transitions." The film runs 100 minutes. More information on tickets to the World Premiere and "after glow party" will be announced just after the new year when all the plans will be finalized. 11/17/02 P.I. BLUES "CAST, CREW AND SPECIAL FRIENDS SCREENING" HUGE SUCCESS Lots of laughs and lots of fun happened at the Emagine Theatre on Thursday night, Nov. 14th, during and after "Cast, Crew and Special Friends" screening of P.I. BLUES. Every one enjoyed seeing each other on screen and after. Comments included, "Laughed my patooty off", "Loved it", "Very funny, good acting", "Good story", "Amusing, well done, clever", "A lot of fun", "Funny, entertaining", "Music was great", "Very entertaining", "Cute film, good couple hours of laughs", "The music and P.I. Blues song, great", "Good job, great music, very funny-especially the ending!", "Enjoyable, funny, my friends must see it", "It was fun, well done, can't wait to see it again". The World Premiere and Opening dates will be announced very soon. 11/2/02 "CAST, CREW AND SPECIALLY INVITED FRIENDS" SCREENING AT EMAGINE THEATRE The free private screening for the cast, crew and their special friends is scheduled for Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 8:00pm. The event takes place at the new Emagine Theatre in Novi, Michigan. The Emagine is the most technically advanced theater operation in the State. Everything is brand new and state-of-the-art at the 18 screen megaplex. The screening takes place in their all-digital 350 seat auditorium. You must obtain tickets for yourself and your guests. Please call or email if you wish to attend. To get directions to the Emagine Theatre click on their link below. For Tickets Contact: Pat Dobek Phone:(248) 543-9121 or Email: info@piblues.com Directions: www.emagine-entertainment.com 10/31/02 TRICK OR TREAT "CAST, CREW AND SPECIALLY INVITED FRIENDS" SCREENING SCHEDULED The treat takes place at the new Emagine Theatre in Novi, Michigan, Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 8:00pm. You must obtain tickets for yourself and your guests. The screening is complimentary and limited to the cast, crew, special friends, and local industry insiders. Please call or email if you wish to attend. Contact: Pat Dobek Phone:(248) 543-9121 or Email: info@piblues.com 10/19/02 EMAGINE THEATRE OPENS The "Cast, Crew and Specially Invited Friends" screening of P.I. BLUES moves ever closer with the opening of the new theatre in Novi. The Emagine opened October 18th with free movies for the first week. The screening will be announced after the theatre's grand opening on October 25, 2002. Meanwhile the 27"x40" movie posters are finished and the movie's opening animation sequence is also completed. 10/4/02 "CAST AND CREW" SCREENING NEARS The date for the "Cast, Crew and Specially Invited Friends" Screening of "P.I. BLUES" will be announced very soon, probably within the next 10 days. The screening will take place at the new Emagine Theatre in Novi. The theater is completing the finishing touches and should open to the public on or before the scheduled grand opening date of October 25, 2002. Our screening may take place before the theater opens to the public. Check back often and have your guest list ready. 9/14/02 DOLORES REYES SINGS IN FERNDALE WITH LOLITA TRIO The jazz musical group Lolita Trio with Dolores Reyes, star of the film P.I. BLUES, performs Friday at 9:00pm, September 20 & 27 at Dino's in Ferndale. Dino's is located on the southeast corner of Woodward Avenue and 9 Mile Road, (248) 591-DINO. Dolores sings "P.I. Blues, The Song" with co-star John DeMerell on the soundtrack CD of the movie "P.I. BLUES". Dolores is schooled in many different vocal styles and is a real delight to see in person. Check her out before the movie opens and the crowd gets to large to get in. 9/12/02 EMAGINE THEATER SETS GRAND OPENING DATE FOR OCTOBER 25, 2002 The Emagine Theater is located in Novi, MI at Fountain Walk, a new entertainment-themed complex of restaurants and retailers. The new theater has scheduled it's grand opening for October 25, 2002. The 18-screen megaplex features stadium seating with high back rocking chair seats with more space between the rows. Some of the theater's extras include valet parking, a full service bar that allows patrons to take their drinks to their seats and waiters in the auditoriums to take your order before the movie begins. Emagine Novi is owned by the same people that own the very successful Cinema Hollywood in Birch Run, north of Flint, Mi. They also plan to open another theater in the Detroit area at the corner of I-275 and Ford Road. The "P.I. BLUES" cast, crew and specially invited friends screening will take place in Emagine's new digital auditorium. The screening date will be announced soon and could take place before the grand opening. For more, contact: info@piblues.com 8/17/02 CAST AND CREW SCREENING COMING MID SEPTEMBER The date and time of the "Cast, Crew, Industry, Special Friends and Test Screening" of P.I. BLUES will be announced soon. The screening will take place at the brand new Emagine Theatre located at Fountain Walk Mall in Novi, MI. The multi-plex theatre is in the finishing stages of construction and could open as early as September 6th. The movie will be screened in their 350 seat, state-of-the-art, digital auditorium. The P.I. BLUES showing will be scheduled and announced as soon as we get a definite opening date from the theatre. Things are moving fast but new construction sometimes suffers from unexpected delays. Check back often for further details as they develop. CONTACT: info@piblues.com 7/27/02 P.I. BLUES WEBSITE ALSO ACCESSIBLE AT: www.pibluesthemovie.com A second way to reach the P.I. BLUES website is now available. The new alternate web name will be used in some promotional materials. Negotiations are continuing on the World Premiere and should be completed very soon. John DeMerell and Dolores Reyes finished recording their vocals for the new version of "P.I. Blues The Song" last week. Russ-T quickly cut together the final mix. It really rocks. Jim Dudek is adding it to the movie's soundtrack now. 7/15/02 NEW BIO'S OF CAST AND CREW MEMBERS ADDED TO "P.I. BLUES" WEBSITE Links to the new bio' pages are highlighted by underlines of the name on the Cast & Crew Page. Click on the links to visit the pages. More bio's will be added. Alison Dudek is currently working out with and making personal appearances for the NFL Seattle Seahawks Cheerleaders, The Seagals. Check out her Seagal video, click on the link above her picture on The Director Page. Alison just finished a print ad for Boeing. She's seen jumping on the wing of a new Boeing jet, in a cheerleaders outfit with a big 'B' on her shirt. Jason Dudek is currently working as an assistant director on the controversial feature film "THIRTEEN". It's in production now in L.A. and stars Holly Hunter. The movie was co-written by a thirteen year old girl. News on the world premiere of "P.I. BLUES" is coming soon. 7/3/02 P.I. BLUES "CAST AND CREW CUT" FINISHED It's a wrap. The movie is now available for the "Cast, Crew and Special Friends Screening". The time and place of the screening and afterglow party will be announced in couple weeks. Jim feels the movie is ready, but would like to add a couple more little things if time permits. Dudek says, "Big movies are often defined by the little things." Please let us know if you would like to attend the screening. We also need to know how many guests you would like to bring with you. Email Pat Dobek at the address below. Contact: patdobek@piblues.com 6/21/02 KEVIN WHEELER HEADLINES COMEDY CASTLE Kevin Wheeler, who plays private eye Rick Ferral in the film P.I. BLUES, is not only an actor. He performs as a stand-up comedian. Tonight and tomorrow, Jun. 21 & 22, Kevin headlines at Mark Ridley's Comedy Castle in Royal Oak, 269 E. Fourth St. Shows are at 8 & 10:30pm, tickets $22.50 - $25.00. For more info call (248) 542-9900. "Kevin did some funny stuff in the movie," says Jim Dudek, "He came up with some real creative ideas for his character. I know his standup act will be great". 6/14/02 "P.I. BLUES" ROUGH CUT FINISHED "P.I. BLUES" is in the "can". Russ-T Wright stepped in and composed the music for the film on time and in budget. Director Jim Dudek is very pleased with the results, "Rusty captured the feel I was looking for. I was really impressed with the quality of his work and speed of completion." Dudek is still polishing the film before the "final cut" will be ready for the "cast, crew and specially invited friends" screening, (probably the end of July). A "rough cut" however has be sent to a couple of film festivals to meet deadlines for entry. "Editing is a very long process. There are over a thousand picture edits, over sixty different sound effects, several complicated special effects, over a hundred music edits, opening and closing credits and the list goes on", says Jim Dudek. More news is coming, check back often. Things are happening. 6/9/02 "P.I. BLUES" website returns The new website for the movie "P.I. BLUES" is up and running. Look for more improvements as time goes by. Check this page for the latest updates on the film. CONTACT: info@piblues.com jimdudek@piblues.com patdobek@piblues.com